Rocklin Attorney
If you are living in the Rocklin, there may be many issues that arise that require the service of an attorney. Life throws many things at us and anyone can find themselves dealing with an unexpected situation. When one does arise you want to handle it as best as possible. You should not just turn to any attorney to do so. You want representation from professional that is knowledgeable, capable and dedicated. I offer my clients exceptional and comprehensive service, always seeking to have the outcome that is in their best interests.
Criminal Defense and Immigration Law
It could include charges for a DUI that can lead to high fines, license suspension, an ignition interlock device and even jail time. You will want to turn to an attorney skilled in criminal defense to fight to protect you against a conviction and the mark on your criminal record. Other crimes such as drug crimes and violent crimes can also leave you with repercussions that can last for years. The population in Rocklin is on the rise. With more people moving in that can mean more people are in need of some form of assistance.
I am also well qualified when it comes to seeking rights for those that are not originally from the U.S. You may be looking for temporary entry and stay and a visa can help with that. Others are looking to not be deported and it will take a skilled defender to help make that happen. Don't wait to call my firm, and when you do we can discuss your claim through a free consultation. In addition we can formulate a payment plan if finances are a concern for you. Finances should not be allowed to set you back and with my assistance we can prevent that from happening.
Contact my immigration and criminal defense firm serving Rocklin for the qualified representation you both need and deserve!

Our Victories
First Offense DUI
Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon
Driving on Suspended License
Domestic Violence/GBI on Spouse