Chico Lawyer

Attorney Serving Chico, CA

Strong Representation for Your Case

Are you dealing with a legal dispute? You are highly recommended to not go at it alone. Rather, the services provided by a lawyer can aid you in achieving the outcome you are looking for. I am well equipped when it comes to representing clients in any number of issues. I provide determined service to those in the Chico area dealing with issues of criminal defense and immigration law. If you or a loved one has found yourself in this position do not wait to call my firm and discuss it during a free consultation.

Many people wonder if they even need an attorney. Not only does a well-equipped lawyer bring years of knowledge and training to the table, in all areas of the law that you may not be as acquainted with they can guide you. That means you have an educated lawyer with you to help ensure all paperwork is properly filed, the correct steps are taken, to represent you in negotiation proceedings and even to defend you in court if your case goes that far. The legal system is unknown for many that are unsure of where to begin yet alone how to effectively carry out their claim.

Why You Need a Lawyer

Without a lawyer you put yourself at risk. My firm provides that, allowing you to rest assure that your medical malpractice claim or naturalization process is being handled by a firm you can rely on. If you or a loved one has an issue of visas or charged with a DUI, don't wait to find out how my firm can help. Call to learn about how we will work with you to create a more affordable payment plan.

  • First Offense DUI
  • Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon
  • Expungement
  • Driving on Suspended License
  • Domestic Violence/GBI on Spouse